Foreclosure Mitigation
NHS Greater Berks offers assistance to those who have received an ACT 91 notice from their lender. This service assists Berks County residents by allowing time to catch up on payments and preserve their homes.
When a homeowner receives the official foreclosure notice (Act 91) from their lender, NHS of Greater Berks is authorized to assist the client to apply for a “rescue” loan through the Pennsylvania Housing Agency’s Home Owners Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program, (HEMAP). Trained counselors will provide one on one counseling sessions to discuss options and strategies with the delinquency or impending defaulted borrower. Qualified applicants are those who are about to encounter difficulty or have fallen behind with making timely mortgage payments.
At the time of appointment specific information regarding applicant’s situation will be reviewed to determine financial status and options available. Such information may include but is not limited to:
- Budget
- Refinance programs available through FHA and/or PHFA
- Loan Workout Options
- Foreclosure Timelines
- Referrals to other applicable Service Agencies
Click here to download the application.