Operation Renovation: A Veterans Affair 2018 (ORVA)
September 15, 2018
Operation Renovation is a community-based volunteer effort, assisting veterans, widows & widowers of veteran homeowners with minor repairs and painting; free of charge.
It’s our way of saying “Thank you for your service, you are not forgotten!”
This is Our 4th year and over the past three years with community collaborations, we have been able to assist 150 veterans.
We Want You to Join Us!
Start where you are… Use what you have… Do what you can!
If you would like to support and/or participate, please call
610-372-8433 or email kcoates@nhsgb.org or twloczewski@nhsgb.org.

~ Volunteers that have been on this journey with us ~
A Big “Thanks”, for making a difference by volunteering and giving our veterans the most precious thing, you will ever own ~ your time and talents!